Your Water Birth Supplies

  TIRED OF NRP CLASSES THAT DON’T MEET YOUR NEEDS? Join us for a hands-on AAP Neonatal Resuscitation class that focuses on birth in the community setting. Home birth and birth center birth providers finally have a class that is tailored to our specific needs. Whether you are taking NRP for the first time or … Read more

Oxytocin in Home Births

What is Oxytocin? Oxytocin, often referred to as the “Love Hormone,” is a hormone that is produced in the brain and release into the bloodstream during labor causing the uterus to contract. In addition to the role it plays during contractions, oxytocin is also released during the physical stimulation of a woman’s nipples. The release … Read more

Vocalization for Childbirth

Making Noise in Labor and Birth Have you ever moaned from a stomach ache? Think back to the noises you made and how they helped you to cope. More than likely, the moaning was a way for you to focus on something else other than the discomfort. Vocalization is, for many women, one of the … Read more

Help with Infant Care in Your Austin Home

What are Newborn Care Specialists? Similar services are provided by Newborn Care Specialists, Newborn Care Providers, and Night Nannies. However, their experiences vary. This means that nurses and practical nurses can manage more complex medical situations. Additional support may be provided by infant caregivers, such as running errands, doing some light cleaning, doing laundry for … Read more

What is Alpha-fetoprotein Test (AFP)?

What is the AFP test? The AFP test is a blood serum test that screens for a few different things: Neural Tube Defects (Such as Spina Bifida) Down Syndrome Trisomy 18 How is the AFP test done? The AFP test is done by drawing blood from the pregnant woman, either in the lab, the doctor’s, … Read more

My Baby is Breech – What Can I Do?

When women find out that their baby is breech, it often causes stress and sometimes even panic. However, this doesn’t need to be a panic-inducing situation. There are options for either getting a breech baby to turn, or to plan a breech vaginal birth. Many women believe that their only option is to have an … Read more

Pushing For First Time Moms

 By Gloria Lemay The expulsion of a first baby from a woman’s body is a space in time for much mischief and mishap to occur. It is also a space in time where her obstetrical future often gets decided and where she can be well served by a patient, rested midwife. Why do I make … Read more

Natural Induction Methods

First, RELAX! Forget due dates. Due dates are merely an educated guess, did you know only 4% of births happen on the “due date”? Your anxiety is pumping adrenaline at high levels into your system, and this could very well be further delaying any progress or starting. Concentrate on the wonderful feeling of the baby’s … Read more

Baby Is Breech, Now What?

In reading this you may just have found out that your baby is breech, or you may be preparing in case this does happen to you or someone you know. The most important thing to do is to relax and know that babies are often breech until the last trimester as they turn and move … Read more

Artificial Oxytocin Induction

The easy answer to a Pitocin or Syntocinon induction is even though it’s an artificial induction with artificial oxytocin you would think “it’s the same hormone, why not?” but it goes much deeper than that. First of all, I will explain what happens during natural labor vs. an induction or augmentation and then explain the … Read more