Birth Rites and Traditions Around the World

Anthropologists tell us, and we generally agree, that important life passages are more easily assimilated when accompanied by a ceremony or ritual, a rite of passage. North Americans celebrate some of these pivotal moments like graduation and marriage. Another common example is the Jewish tradition of Bar Mitzvah. I’m sure you’ve also heard that some … Read more

Birth Choices in Austin- what is right for you?

Today we have more choices than ever about how we birth. We have the option of using a doctor or midwife for our practitioner. We have the choice of birthing in the hospital or at home. We can choose who is present at birth. We can decide to hire a doula. We can choose between … Read more

OMG, did you just cut off a third of my baby’s blood supply?

Your baby has just been born.  Would you let someone draw their blood and remove 30% of their blood volume? I became a midwife before I birthed my own babies.  People often ask me how my practice changed after I became a mother and gave birth.  All midwives advocate for the needs of babies, but … Read more

Lisa Houser

I have been in the medical field for over ten years. I keep my continuing education up-to-date to stay current with any changes and with my certifications. I am prepared to work in a variety of settings, and understand the benefits of a social support system and different philosophies. I am prepared to address a … Read more

Why Induce Labor?

Labor Induction : Why Labor is Induced Labor induction is a procedure which is done to ensure you go to labor in the first place or to ensure that you labor fast enough. There are many reason why your healthcare provider performs induction of labor and there is also a variety of ways to induce … Read more

Why Have a Homebirth in Austin?

Why would a woman choose to have a homebirth ? Isn’t it for those who don’t have the health insurance and therefore can’t afford to give birth at a hospital? Although natural birth at home was the norm throughout the centuries, when a woman chooses to do so in this day and age, she is … Read more

Natural Iron Supplements for Low Iron in Pregnancy

Iron Supplements Low iron in pregnancy is a common problem for pregnant women. If you find yourself with low iron during pregnancy, you will want to seek out natural iron supplementation if you want to cure pregnancy anemia naturally. If you are in need of natural iron supplements for low iron in pregnancy, there are … Read more

Austin Natural Childbirth Tips

What You Should or Shouldn’t Do If You Want to Have a Drug-Free Childbirth Having a natural childbirth can be quite a challenge nowadays whether you do it at the hospital, home or birthing center. This is even more so if you choose hospital as the place of having a baby since hospital views birth … Read more

Natural Child Birth Preparation ~ Why And How

Child birth preparation is an important thing to do if you want to have a smooth labor and natural childbirth. Ironically, most women are slack in this area despite the fact that birth is one of the largest event in a woman’s life. Most women put the minimum amount of energy to prepare for birth … Read more

Midwifery Myths

Midwifery Myths # 1 Midwives deliver babies only at home Fact: 98%of all Certified Nurse Midwives deliveries occur in the hospital. Our midwives deliver babies at Alexian Brothers Medical Center. We believe that childbirth is a natural process requiring medical intervention only in special situations. In the hospital, medical intervention is available, but used only … Read more